Tuesday, May 06, 2008

weekend fun... and my garden too...

the stream and pond in our backyard...

a little toad in the leaves....
jack in the pulpit... i think that is what it's called....
a little crawfish walking around in the water....

some of the fiddle heads growing wild....
up close fiddle head...
another close up.. see the little fuzzy hair looking things... they protect the fiddle head from frost...
can you find mama's baby in the skunk cabbage?
he is so freaking handsome...

there he goes, on the trail for something....
jump in rosco... i dare you...
nope.... he would NOT jump in right here...
but he will definately go across the stream... he just doesn't like the bubbles..... he barks at them...
get the stick rosco boy...
our pond...
mama's baby's face...

up close on my wysteria..
the back of our house....
another one of my back yard....
mountain laurel...
here come the lilacs....
i cannot wait to sniff them up close....