Sunday, January 06, 2008

our night out for katrice's birthday....

we went to a hibachi restaurant... great fun..lots of sake

little too close for comfort... ha ha i can almost see your open your eyes would you til? sheesh... ha ha

COOL FIRE cooking up the goodies...

katrice and me
GO GO GO GO GO GO ... nice job katrice!
zack, tony, dan and danielle
heather, melissa and zack
dustin, tara and kristen
me, heather and melissa
one side...
other side...
ati and missy
cooking up some yummies
ati's sushi roll called pretty girl
yummy veggies.. saute them up good...
your turn til.. show em how it's done babe~!
do it up melissa...
more yummy goodness...
go ahead tony..
little bit drenched katrice?
kristen's turn... sheesh, this guy is brutal... makes us
practically choke before he stops the sake flow!
um.. i got bombarded with sake...