Stuart Brown describes Norbert Rosing's striking images of a wild polar bear playing with sled dogs in the wilds of Canada 's Hudson Bay.....
The photographer was sure that he was going to see the end of his huskies when the polar bear materialized out of the blue, as it were:
Obviously it was a well-fed Bear...
that week to play with the dogs....
END OF STORY ~ but what a freaking GREAT ONE!
END OF STORY ~ but what a freaking GREAT ONE!
so i open my email this morning and a very sweet woman i know that works here at the university sent me this email and i just about fell out of my chair... the simple fact that this can actually happen... i am astounded and amazed... we, as people, could learn a lot about tolerance of others just by seeing these animals together... gives me the chills... especially since i am obsessed with dogs and to see this happen in the wild with a wild animal that could take one swipe at this dog and basically cut it in half... but it's not, it's playing... LOVE IT! Hope you enjoy the pics and the story as much as i did... of course, anyone who knows me... knows i got all teary eyed reading this... all i can do is smile looking at these pics... I think of you when I see these pics Dad... you are the
one I watched National Geographic with my WHOLE LIFE and taught me to love all animals and that they ALL had a purpose!
Even though I still don't agree when it comes to spiders... HA HA ...