Thursday, December 15, 2011

Baby Seal Pup... too cute!

I found this online today... TOO CUTE!

In New Zealand, a woman was upstairs in her home office when she heard a commotion downstairs.

She came down to find a seal pup hanging out on her living room sofa!!

The baby fur seal had apparently hopped all the way through her neighborhood, up her driveway, under her gate and through her cat door.

Once inside her house, he made it past her dog and cats and went straight for her couch for a little nap.

She said she was thinking:

"I'm hallucinating, this is just wrong."

So she called animal control.

They had actually already been out looking for seals in the neighborhood, having already retrieved one from the area.

Apparently only a few days later the same pup was spotted making his way through the same neighborhood, probably heading back to that same couch to take another nap.