Screen legend Brigitte Bardot has something else to say!
The animal rights activist and alleged Islam hate inciter just penned an open letter to Sexy Sarah Palin.
Here are a few of Miz Bardot's choice words:
- "I hope you lose these elections because that would be a victory for the world."
- "By denying the responsibility of man in global warming, by advocating gun rights and making statements that are disconcertingly stupid, you are a disgrace to women and you alone represent a terrible threat, a true environmental catastrophe."
The former screen sex kitten went on to slam Sexy Sarah for supporting Arctic oil exploration that could jeopardize delicate animal habitats and for dismissing measures to protect polar bears, "This shows your total lack of responsibility, your inability to protect or simply respect animal life."
Then, to top things off, Brigitte asked Sexy Sarah NOT to compare herself to dogs (i.e. pitbull wearing lipstick), "I know them well and I can assure you that no pitbull, no dog, nor any other animal for that matter is as dangerous as you are."