Monday, March 17, 2008

pretty blood oranges.....

i am not too happy with their name cause it sounds nasty.... but they are pretty good.... this one wasn't as juicy as i would have liked though... maybe as the summer comes along they will be better but right now they are not that exciting... they are prettier then they really taste..

looks yummy with all the skin on don't it?

then it's weird to peel cause the peel is so thick... you think the fruit is HUGE by the size of it with the skin on.. but the peel is like 1/2 an inch thick so the fruit inside is actually much smaller then you thought it was going to be...

the peel is pretty impressive and massive no? you can basically pull the whole thing off in one swooping motion... sorry about the lighting... don't have great lighting in the living room where i took this picture.. i didn't feel like getting up off my lazy butt to go and take the pic somewhere else... i was too comfy on the couch...

the swirly colors look pretty cool...

up close and personal with the pretty wedge of the blood orange... oh boy, look at the crappy paint job on my nails... sorry about that... i was trying an experiment though... i used to buy the cheap nail polish that would chip in like 2 days.. but then got turned on to OPI nail polish and am amazed at how much longer it lasts... this was after like 2 weeks of OPI.. that is all that chipped in 2 weeks.. pretty impressive to me since normally my nails would chip in 2 days like this... so, i figured that if i painted my nails once a week they will continue to be nice and fresh and not like an 8th grader....