my girl chawnna... we have been friends since elementary school.... basically, i cannot remember my life without her in it.. love you babe...
looking up at the poles and net...
a sign they had up in their boat.. they have 3 kids that love to go out on the boat as well... busy busy people i tell ya... cannot wait to go visit this summer again... maybe we can make time for 2 different trips, one in the beginning and one in the end of the summer... now THAT sounds good to me!
ati and john caught a bunch of fish...
i cannot get over how SHARP their fins can be...
measuring to make sure they are legal.. don't want to get a fine that is for sure... they can be pretty steep...
nice catch johnnie boy...
me and chawnna pooped after a day of boating..
me and my boating hat... i am in heaven on the back of a boat.. i would live on one if i could...