i am at work and had to run to the ladies room to clean my nose and face off from all the crying i have done for the last hour after reading up on the no kill shelter/rescue site called BEST FRIENDS out of Utah... i want to pack my stuff and move there asap and work at that facility.. check out the website.. http://www.bestfriends.org/
i have been reading up on their blog and there are stories about the VICKTORY dogs (dogs taken from that worthless piece of shit, michael vick)... and how they are coming along... becoming loveable, finding friends... being loved and scratched and rubbed... free to run and jump.. and it's breaking my heart... all these great stories of rescue...
i will be buying all of my supplements, toys, and vitamins for my big baby boy rosco and my little girl maryjane from that site... all the proceeds go to keeping this facility up and running... and the thing i love the most is that it's a no kill shelter.. they actually CARE about the animals... god bless these people!
pics of my favorite pitbull... mr. rosco p. coletrain... ain't he just the most beautiful thing? speaking of him, gotta leave work now.. and go see him... he's waiting for his mama for sure...