Saturday, February 09, 2008

continued renovations....

tyler being silly.. finising up the durarock...
fixing up the wall to fit the new dishwasher in...
there's my new baby.... the chrome sink... yeah boy!
no more countertops.... BYE BYE ugly ones....
notice that there is no more backsplash either... looks like we need a new one!

look who's checking things out..nosey little girl...
oooh.. look at that backsplash... looking HOT!
don't you just love the color? i know i do.. it brings out the darker colors of the room.... i didn't want TOO MUCH of the orangy rust color... had to pull more colors in...
that looks beautiful!
great... the durarock is finally done.. boy that was a pain in the butt...
looking pretty bare... but at least that old floor is gone... and believe it or not, no more squeaks!
getting a little help from my girl, juliana...
back to work and more work means more work crap all around....
backsplash is completely in and so is the new dishwasher... looking PIMP!
tyler starting to cut the new countertop..