Monday, December 10, 2007

a little background on kellie pickler...

before you go ranking on me for getting all weepy watching her sing this song, her father was a wicked dead beat and in prison most of her life and her mom left her when she was 2 years old so she was basically raised by her gramma... (thank god for gramma's i tell ya) so she co-wrote this song about her mother... and it's just heartfelt when she sings it... ugh... i could cry right now... so, stop laughing at me! ha ha

what kind of a "mother" could give birth to a child and then leave them? i will NEVER ever ever understand that... no matter what... i don't care about WHAT YOUR PROBLEMS are.. at all, if you can't take care of your kids, then don't have them! be responsible, not stupid.. these are people's LIVES you're messin with... and if you can't take care of them, make sure they are given to someone who CAN take care them... it's not their fault they were born... how are they supposed to grow up to be happy and healthy and responsible and make a difference in this world when they are born to fail.. born to failures actually... with no headstart on life... so, i think her mom is a dirtbag... she gets NO respect from me.. but her gramma, that's a different story, sounds like LOTS of gramma's are stepping up to the plate these days... they must be shaking their heads in disbelief... cause back in the day, they'd work 4 jobs if they had to, to raise their babies... people are getting lazy and want everything given to them... and now, the people my age, are going to be running this country soon and how pathetic are we? i am nervous for the future... too many lazy, greedy lying snakes... but that's a topic for another day...