Thursday, February 03, 2011

I made Shrimp Ceviche... and it was unbelievably great!

Some more shrimp... I sure do love shrimp....
Cutting off the tails...
Soaking the shrimp in lemon and lime juices... FRESHLY squeezed of course...
Remnants of the lemons and limes... kept around to smell up the kitchen.. so fresh and so clean!!!
Thinly sliced red onion...
Finely chopped chile relleno... HOT HOT HOT!!!!

Add them together... add some cucumber... and cilantro....
I love fresh cucumbers don't you?
Add my favorite ingredient... the lovely avocado!!! So smooth... come to mama!

Toss that around in the juices with the rest of the ingredients...
Close Up... is your mouth watering yet?
And VOILA... there you have it...
A bowl of the yummiest goodness!!!!!!!!!!! And good for you too! ENJOY!